Ipoh Parade : Girls day out


First of all, Hello October. Hahaha Pejam celik, pejam celik dah masuk bulan 10, and beberapa minggu lagi Adlin akan habis semester 1. Sekejap je masa berlalu kan. Dah nak habis tahun 2016. Oh and selamat menyambut awal Muharam semua. Semoga di tahun baru ni kita akan sama-sama berjaya and semoga Adlin dapat result cemerlang untuk semester 1.

Anyway, hari ni Adlin dapat bersiar-siar buat pertama kalinya ke Ipoh Parade. First time berjalan ke area sini, memang terasa lain sangat. Sebab bukan tempat kita kan hahaha tapi Adlin try untuk adapt dengan persekitaran baru hahaha apa Adlin merepek ni.

Partner for today, my Syada bby

Forever kawan gaduh hahahaha

At Kioda. 

I told you guys, this girl loves to eat a lot okay hahahahah
jk je. Still love you Syadot baby *insert flying kiss emoji* 

And this girl memang kuat perasan since dulu. Please jangan menyampah hehehe 

Our couple rings

To be honest, Adlin seronok gila hari ni. I get myself three masks from Etude House, and I think I should do the review for the masks here hehehe Forget to mention that both of them are my classmates here in KMPk. So memang setiap hari jumpa muka yang sama hahahaha. Anyway, I had so much fun, and next time kita boleh pergi lagi okay. Kali ni kalau pergi Qira, Sarah and others wajib join. *malas nak mention hahaha* Till me meet again. 

>> I'm so sleepy but still have a lot of  work to do :')))


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